Hamster is a German word which means “to hoard”. Hamster belongs to the family of rodents. They are generally quite; this is primarily due to the fact that they are nocturnal in nature. Thus, they remain active during the night and stay calm during the day. In 1839, a British zoologist, George Waterhouse spotted a grown-up female hamster in Syria and named it “Cricetus auratus,” the Golden Hamster. Then, sometime around the early 1930’s, a professor and zoologist from the University of Jerusalem Aharoni sighted a female hamster with its litters in the Syrian Desert. He took them to the lab for research but unfortunately by the time he had reached, most of them were dead while some managed to escape. He gave the remaining hamsters to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the grown-up ones successfully gave birth to what they called as Golden Hamsters. These were little bigger than the ones that Waterhouse had found earlier and were named “Mesocricetus auratus”. Consequently, these Golden hamsters were bred successfully and shipped to the United Kingdom and the United States in the late 1930’s. Thus, majority of the hamsters brought to the US were from Syria while a bunch of hamsters were brought by US travelers from deserts in 1971. Popular species like the Dwarf Russian Campbells and the Winter White Russian Hamsters ushered in the pet market of UK in the 70’s while the Roborovski hamster were shipped from the Netherlands to the UK in 1990.
Interesting information of having Hamsters as pets
Hamsters are among the most popular pets in the world, especially in the US. They are excellent pets for kids and adults as they maintain an appreciable class of personal hygiene. They are friendly and cute and any kid would love to fondle them. And, the fact that these pets are disease-free makes them the apt pets for your kids. So, if you are thinking of buying the first pet for your kid, a hamster would be the right choice for you. They are simple and easy to care for. Hamsters are generally healthy animals and don’t require frequent medical check-ups. For people who love having a bunch of pets at home, this would be the suitable one as they can breed almost every month provided the conditions are favorable. Pet hamsters live for a period of 1 to 3 years. Nevertheless, it is easy to overcome the loss of a 2 year old pet hamster when compared to that of a 10 year old dog or 6 year old cat. And even if one of your pet hamsters is lost there will be heaps of other hamsters that your kids can play with. This helps them easy to overcome the loss.
There are oodles of species of hamsters but the one that is predominantly in demand among the pet lovers is the endearing Syrian hamster. This species of hamster includes the biggest and the most colorful ones. There are long-haired and short-haired hamsters. The long-haired Syrian hamsters are fondly called as Teddy Bear hamster. A Syrian hamster can grow for about 4 to 6 inches long. However, an important to keep in mind is that it’s not safe to keep two or more adult hamsters in the same cage as they may end up fighting and injuring each other. Another cute breed of hamsters is the Dwarf hamster which can grow to a size of about 3 to 4 inches. Interestingly, these tiny hamsters get along well with other breeds as well.
A great advantage of having hamsters as pets is that they are cheaper to buy and easy to maintain. The entire set of a hamster includes a cage, an exercise wheel, water, and other little stuffs for the cage. None of these are expensive and wouldn’t cost you anything more than a hundred dollars for the entire kit. Even feeding them wouldn’t cost you much. All they need is a tiny bag of food pellets and some water. You can comfortably feed them for an entire month with this food. So, if you are really looking for a cute pet, then hamster could well be the right choice for you!
I’m a fervent lover of animals and I actually get the inspiration to do research on hamsters when I saw a program on Animal Planet entailing pets. Thankfully, I have access to a bunch of other channels that are rendered to me by Dish TV Offers.
Source: A Few Reasons Why An Hamster Would Be The Perfect Gift For Your Kid
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